BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Blogs and wikis allow users to express their own ideas and are a great way for users to stay informed on the news or updated on important information. It is important to be convergent in today's world because it allows for an open discussion on every individual's thoughts an ideas. Blogs are usually run by an individual author and differ from wikis which have multiple authors who can edit any post. Wikis are "designed to improve information sharing and collaboration" and make it easier to gather and share information (Locher, 2008). Blogs are an easy way to "create millions of news sources and g[i]ve everyone an audience for their own version of news" (Common Craft, 2007). Since 2003, over 70 million blogs and counting have been created (Common Craft, 2007). Blogs can also be used for collaboration because most blogs have a topic that relate to another author's blog. Both wikis and blogs are popular because they give an ordinary person the power of the media to create a personal kind of news that appeals to different audiences. A new use for wikis is to allow for individual portfolios that displays a student's work amongst everyone else.



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