HW Creativity
New Media fosters creativity by allowing anyone to design and customize anything they want. As mentioned in The New York Times, creators made music videos in which the cartoon characters do the singing. "The videos started gaining in popularity and users edited together versions using characters owned by other big media companies. A version using clips taken from Nickelodeon’s 'SpongeBob SquarePants' has been viewed more than seven million times. Nickelodeon, part of Viacom, sees the humorous videos as fair use of its copyrighted content. “Our audiences can creatively mash video from our content as much and as often as they like,” said Dan Martinsen, a Nickelodeon spokesman." New media has helped brands get more views and can essentially be a form of free advertisements. In the Spongebob SquarePants example, Nickelodeon did not have to pay for anyone to create a music video, yet it gained a lot of attention without a penny from Nickelodeon. New media allows anyone to participate in an open environment and allows for engagement and feedback from other creators. Users can share and comment and empower others to join. It is a fun and engaging way to share your work with the click of a button.
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/24/business/media/24crank.html
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